Integrating illumiQUOTE in your website Placing illumiQUOTE in your website as a call to action Alex Snyder
Make illumiQUOTE a call to action to engage your online shoppers. All you need is your specific illumiQUOTE URL and a call to your website provider to set it up.[DEALERNAME-FRANCHISE-CITY-ST]/l?v=[VIN]&s=[STOCK_NUMBER]&so=[WEBSITE_PROVIDER_NAME]
Below are some examples if you need to show your website provider what to do. You or your website provider can make the call to action button anything you wish!
Unlock Preston Express Price and Payment is an example of a custom button.
In the case of Honda (above) illumiQUOTE can be setup to only show prices once someone has submitted a lead.
On VDPs it can be as simple as this Audi's has been done:
Below, with Ford, this dealership has chosen to show full out the door payments to all their customers even without submitting a lead.
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